Thursday, September 4, 2014

Transportation - Unfair Things in Auckland

This is the thing I don't get, seat belts have to be worn in every vehicle but why not in bus's? Safety belt, is used in a vehicle as a device used to secure the person in the seat. But why doesn't bus's have it? Putting safety belts on every seat is expensive and I know that, but isn't the safety of the occupant more important?

I have decide to have my say on Auckland Transportation, and I think that bus's not haveing safety belts ain't good at all. Bus's is used 24/7 and is the main transport vehicle for most people. It isn't fare that Car's and Van's get charged for not having safety belts on and Bus's don't, I myself just don't get the concept.  Us student's use bus's as a way to get to places, and most don't feel safe.

I think that having Safety belts, on bus's will be a great idea not only for me but for the people who travels on it on daily basic's.


  1. Hi Lesieli, my name is Folauhola and I am from St Pius X School. I love transportation as in unfair things in Auckland.And I agree with you about why buses don't have safety belts.Funny, aye.But only if you changed it a bit.But any ways, it was so lovely for you to send Auckland, the message.

  2. Hello Lesieli, I am Emily Rodrick. I am a college student at the University of South Alabama in the United States. I found your blog post to be interesting and insightful. You are right. Seat belts should be required on public transportation. It would be a helpful way to prevent passengers from being harmed in the case of an accident. We have the same problem here in the United States. You have a few grammar and spelling errors, but nothing that can't be fixed quickly. Remember that plural nouns use plural verbs. Overall your post was a great read.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hello Dear Emily,

      Thanks for your words of encouragement. I always sit and ask myself why? Like why? Do buses have no seatbelt's, but have handrail's, it's not going to save you isn't it. Once again thank you very much for your Word of encouragement.

    3. I'm glad you are thinking about these problems. I look forward to seeing what you do in the future. Keep up the amazing work.
